The Real You

Namaste, Welcome to SAM-VAD (Together In Conversation) to the ones paying heed, this is where we try to draw your attention to things that matter and the importance of our attention, why is that? Now ‘let us remember this again, ‘What we give our Attention to matters,’ as Our life’s experience would ultimately amount to whatever we had paid attention to.

Attention: is as fundamental as food; and we go blundering about, seeking ways to assuage the craving, instead of learning how to provide ourselves with what we need, sensibly and calmly. Once our attention is drawn to the mechanism of why and what we give attention to, it is as if a veil has been stripped off and we become freer in our action and choices. And that is our endavour.

This week I bring to your attention an excerpt titled – The Real You from a book titled ‘Personal Freedom – On finding your Way to the Real World’ by Dr. Arthur Deikman.

In Personal Freedom Dr. Arthur Deikman shows us a key to unlocking the door of this invisible prison of ideas that has enclosed us since birth. We deceive ourselves, he demonstrates, by taking our identities from the people around us instead of looking closely at what we actually are. With a lyrical yet scientific approach he enables us to see the possibility of freedom and to take steps to make that freedom our own.

The Real You

Remember those times you were touched by something impalpable emanating from that “outside” realm of people and things. Music, nature, sports, prayer, insight, friendship, or love — a moment when you felt connected, merging, exalted. I’m talking about those special times when you felt a joyous reverence and gratitude and mystery and recognition, at finding yourself, once again, at that place. Of course, you can “explain” it and nothing need change. The mechanical puppet called the cosmos can clank along forever: just tell yourself that those experiences, “mystical” or otherwise, are the infantile derivatives of wishes, fears, and early memories. It’s simple. But is that what they feel like? Talk to children and see if they experience such things. Consider carefully whether those special moments really fit the vapid formula: “Infantile derivatives.” Isn’t that explanation something you have swallowed, force-fed, like an infant, indeed, but have never been able to digest? It’s indigestible because it doesn’t fit, that’s why. It’s another swindle, like Time.

You are told you are basically alone — in empty space. Yet, when you love, are you alone? When you look, unguarded, into another’s eyes, clear place to clear place, are you alone? When you wholeheartedly engage in work or play, are you alone? There is only one way to be alone: by thinking about it. The thought creates the aloneness; the concept is the problem. “Aloneness” does not fit experience.

Excerpt from Personal Freedom – On finding your Way to the Real World’ by Dr. Arthur Deikman.

I am sure that you will enjoy reading this thought provoking book. You can click on the following link and buy your copy:

Enjoy reading it with your family, friends and near and dear one’s.


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