Stereotypes – What it is? Can its negative effects be neutralized?

Namaste, Welcome to SAM-VAD (Together In Conversation) to the ones paying heed, this is where we try to draw your attention to things that matter and the importance of our attention, why is that? Now ‘let us remember this again, ‘What we give our Attention to matters,’ as Our life’s experience would ultimately amount to whatever we had paid attention to.

Attention: is as fundamental as food; and we go blundering about, seeking ways to assuage the craving, instead of learning how to provide ourselves with what we need, sensibly and calmly. Once our attention is drawn to the mechanism of why and what we give attention to, it is as if a veil has been stripped off and we become freer in our action and choices. And that is our endavour.

This week I bring to your attention an excerpt titled – Stereotypes – What it is? Can its negative effects be neutralized? from a collection of articles titled Connecting with Others’ by Robert Ornstein, PhD; David Sobel, MD, MPH; and Sally Mallam

These articles draw our attention to this important fact – Connecting with others, and the world around us, has been central to our survival. We evolved to go beyond the individual and transcend the “self”. This universal capacity makes us human and is responsible for our success on the planet.

Stereotypes – What it is? Can its negative effects be neutralized?

Stereotypes are another way in which we organize our experiences. Our social identities come from a lot of places: our race, our sex, our age, our political affiliations, our medical diagnoses, our high schools, colleges, our favorite baseball teams. And each of those identities comes along with a set of expectations or stereotypes.

We’re all members of groups, and we all have social identities that are negatively stereotyped. Being old, being young, being gay, being conservative, being liberal, having cancer, and so on. But stereotyping interferes with our connecting with others; it prevents us from being open, interested and accepting of each other as individuals.  As you go down list of identities, you recognize that, in some circumstances, you could feel like you’re going to be seen negatively because you’ve got that identity, and that’s stereotype threat.

Researchers found that performance follows whichever stereotype you make most salient or most obvious in the situation.

What can be done to counter its negative effects?

Create a situation where everyone can trust that they are not going to be exposed to negative experiences based on their identity. The researcher notes that this requires a deliberate extra effort but is the only way in which everyone can excel. Being reminded of positive role models and providing information that is more accurate and includes a hopeful narrative about the setting can greatly reduce the damaging effects of a negative stereotype. 

Excerpt from ‘Stereotyping: What Is It and Can We Neutralize Its Effect?’ by Robert Ornstein, David Sobel & Sally Mallam

I am sure that you will enjoy reading these articles; you can click on the following link:

Enjoy reading it with your family, friends and near and dear one’s.
