Rapidly Changing Modern World

Namaste, Welcome to SAM-VAD (Together In Conversation) to the ones paying heed, this is where we try to draw your attention to things that matter and the importance of our attention, why is that? Now ‘let us remember this again, ‘What we give our Attention to matters,’ as Our life’s experience would ultimately amount to whatever we had paid attention to.

Attention: is as fundamental as food; and we go blundering about, seeking ways to assuage the craving, instead of learning how to provide ourselves with what we need, sensibly and calmly. Once our attention is drawn to the mechanism of why and what we give attention to, it is as if a veil has been stripped off and we become freer in our action and choices. And that is our endavour.

This week I bring to your attention an excerpt which we have titled – Rapidly Changing Modern World from a collection of articles titled ‘Our Mind In the Modern World’ by Robert Ornstein, PhD; David Sobel, MD, MPH; and Sally Mallam

These articles draw our attention to the fact as to how we have created an unprecedented world for ourselves, whereas all other animals live inside their original habitat where they have adapted ‘by design’ to it. And the way forward for us in our unprecedented creation would be an evolution of our consciousness.

Rapidly Changing Modern World

The world has been comparatively stable for tens of thousands of years, and for tens of thousands of years it has been our practice to take what we wanted from it without recompense. All that mattered was a rising standard of living. Only rarely, if ever, did we look back to examine the effect of these actions on the world, because our brains didn’t need to do so to survive and progress always led us forward.

From the Industrial Revolution in the mid-eighteenth century our “tool” use began to speed up, backed by powerful new energy sources: from coal, to gas, to electronics and nuclear energy, to the internet and renewable energy. And as we discovered different energy sources and later, digital technologies, the world changed radically, over and over.

Excerpt from ‘Our Mind In the Modern World’ by Robert Ornstein, David Sobel & Sally Mallam

I am sure that you will enjoy reading these articles; you can click on the following link and read these articles:

Enjoy reading it with your family, friends and near and dear one’s.
