Know Thyself

Namaste, Welcome to SAM-VAD (Together In Conversation) to the ones paying heed, this is where we try to draw your attention to things that matter and the importance of our attention, why is that? Now ‘let us remember this again, ‘What we give our Attention to matters,’ as Our life’s experience would ultimately amount to whatever we had paid attention to.

Attention: is as fundamental as food; and we go blundering about, seeking ways to assuage the craving, instead of learning how to provide ourselves with what we need, sensibly and calmly. Once our attention is drawn to the mechanism of why and what we give attention to, it is as if a veil has been stripped off and we become freer in our action and choices. And that is our endavour.

This week I bring to your attention an excerpt titled – Know Thyself from a collection of articles titled ‘The Multiple Nature of Our Minds’ by Robert Ornstein, PhD; David Sobel, MD, MPH; and Sally Mallam

These articles draw our attention to the many facets of our mind. It seems reasonable that we should know our own mind. But what we know is just one small aspect related to the controlling functions of consciousness. We are far less aware of other equally important parts of the brain.

Know Thyself

There exist different centers of mind in the brain and “we” often don’t know what we’re doing until we see what we do. Non-conscious routines lead us automatically, and thus unconsciously, along lines of thinking and action without our ever directing them.

A “spontaneous” act begins before we are aware that we have “decided” to act. The decision, then, is often not up to “us,” our conscious selves. Rather, we watch a part of our minds begin actions, “on their own authority,” and can sometimes veto the orders before they make it out to the muscles.

We have a system of many small unconscious minds, each with its own program. We are each somewhat like a multiple personality, organized and controlled to a limited extent by the conscious self.

Excerpt from ‘The Multiple Nature of Our Minds’ by Robert Ornstein, David Sobel & Sally Mallam

I am sure that you will enjoy reading these articles; you can click on the following link:

Enjoy reading it with your family, friends and near and dear one’s.
